Friday 13 July 2007

It's friday

I bought new scales and will start weighing myself in the mornings now, today I was 85.8 kgs. It follows that you weigh less in the mornings so I'm going to try and do it at the same time everyday and post on here. I had a good day yesterday I made great choices all day and only ate good food last night at my Aunts. Was really great of my Uncle to do me something different to eat but I wouldn't have given in to the pizza last night I was feeling strong and good inside.
My sun burn is nearly all better now I just have a sore knee but it's improving all the time. I remembered late last night that I'm meeting up with old friends tomorrow afternoon which will bge great, again I'm going to make good choices and enjoy the fact that I am. It's our busiest day of the week at work today but I'm hoping everything goes to plan and runs smoothly.

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