Sunday 15 July 2007

had a good day yesterday

Everything yesterday went pretty much as I hoped, I rode 20 miles first thing then did a big walk into Croydon shopping. Then yesterday afternoon I went to meet some freinds for a meal and a few drinks. I had a tuna nicoise salad and 3 glasses of wine. I really enjoyed it and when I got home I had smoked turkey salad followed by nana shakes and fruit. To be honest maybe to much fruit but nothing major.
I went out on the bike this morniung but my hips are really aching so I did a quick 20 minute circuit and I'll do the same later on in fact probably I'll try to do it twice more. My pc is slightly over heating so I'm going to lap the heatsink and re-apply the thermal compound correctly it appears that I have put on too much and this is having an adverse effect.
Mood wise I'm doing good this weekend, I think it's something that will improve with time as I put less pressure on myself. I weighed again this morning and was 85.8 kgs again I'm not so sure I should be weighing everyday but will keep it up for now and see what happens. I'm going to do quorn today with rice for the first time. I'll do it with curry powder and see how it turns out.

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