Wednesday 26 September 2007

gutted and shocked.

Weight 14 st 3 lb not a pleasant surprise this morning in fact I'm shocked and gutted, I'm wondering why or how everyone keeps saying all the exercise I'm doing I should be able to eat what I like for. I guess I can't I haven't eaten bad this week though and I cycled loads on Sunday I really can't work it out. I haven't binged since last Wednesday and as I say I have basically eaten sensibly. My only vice has been the odd bit of cheese and some small amounts of chocolate. I'm going to go back to weighing everyday I think just for a little while till I susse out what my body is playing at. It could be I'm putting on muscle, I still measure 35 inches round my waist which means I'm fine and have nothing to worry about I need to find someone to talk to about this, who knows what they are talking about. I will see what happens over the next week doing dailly weight checks and see how I go. I am heading up to Ray's tonight to book our holiday accomodation for Thailand, it'll be good to finally get it sorted out, only 6 weeks to go :-)

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