Saturday 25 August 2007

start of

a long weekend I weigh 13 st 10 lb this morning so still maintaining and doing good. My heart rate monitor has arrived and it's been an eye opener, my heart rate is very low even it appears when I'm attempting to jog lol. I need to work at it if I'm going to get anywhere with it. I will try it while cycling tomorrow but I'm thinking I'm going to have to work a lot harder to get in the propper zone. I guess that could explain while I haven't really lost much weight despite cycling everyday.
I'm going to get hypnotised this morning, I'm feeling a little aprehensive but also excited, I think it's going to be helpful sorting out my ghosts fro my past and sorting out things that shaped me. I'll keep posting on here as to what happens. Looks like the sun has finally arrived for the weekend, I'm meeting Ray this afternoon and some friends for drinks and something to eat up at Hampstead.
I had a good day yesterday I was out driving and did get the munchies in the morning but I just bought a couple punnets of strawberries and ate them. They were very nice and filled me up and got me through the day. I also had a pasty from the oggy oggy cornish pasty van it was fantastic and very high quality. Once home last night I had a peice of snapper and some kale followed by low fat greek yogurt. A very nice tea and very low calorie.

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