Wednesday 17 October 2007

Having a good week so far, I have worked lots of hours which is a pain but the money will be nice for my holiday so I'm not complaining. The funny thing is I haven't felt tired at all and I haven't felt hungry either which considering I have been out driving is a nice change that makes things a lot easier to deal with. I spent the night out in the lorry Monday night which was my first one for nearly 2 years, I slept well but it's not something that I miss at all. I'm keeping my exercise regime up and I'm sure that is something to do with my new found energy. It is something I'm intending to keep part of my daily routine. I must try and find a way of implementing it on days when I'm not cycling though along with some more exercise to get it nearer an hour.
Funny how things we use to do without suddenly become so important my mobile went flat yesterday and I was completely lost without it even though it doesn't ring that often during the day it was very weird being without it. Food wise I have done really well this week so far, I need to try and just have 1 muller rice in the evening though rather than 2 but apart from that my mood and my food intake have remained level. I'm going to post a picture finally I know it's been longer than I said but better late than never I guess. It was taken on Sunday just before I set off on my great cycle back from Worthing. I hate photos being taken of me and I never think I look that great in them but I have to admit I don't think I look to bad.
I nearly forgot I saw customers yesterday when I was out delivering that I hadn't seen for nearly 2 years and they nearly didn't recognise me, they couldn't get over how young I looked and how slim I was. I guess although sometimes I don't see it myself I have obviously changed for the better and it's about time I stared taking that on board and dealing with it. The nice thing in that is the little bit of weight I'm trying to lose now is just a mindd thing rather than a physical need, which means I can do it in a sensible manner rather than having to panic.

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