Monday 25 June 2007

the day after....

Things looking better today after a testing weekend, I'm back on the program again and I'm hoping that the extra cycling I did yesterday will mean that I haven't put on any weight this week. I cycled 11 miles today to work and home and I'm going out for a walk shortly.
Feelings wise I'm pretty mellow today I still got some issues to work through, I had a nice dinner tonight consisting of chicken breast, asparagus, aubergine and some cured garlic sausage. Followed by 2 nana shakes and strawberries, the pudding was an indulgence but I'm full up now.
During the day I had raw vegetables and a salad with sirloin steak for lunch, I'm finding the 2 protein meals a day more than I want to eat I'm going to have a smaller portion tomorrow for lunch and see if that's easier.
The weekend scared me some what, seeing how easily I fell back into old eating habits. My reaction though was really to extreme for what was happening I was to hard on myself and that made me worse it was a bit of a chain reaction. I did the correct thing Sunday by going out for a 20 mile ride, eating chocolate Saturday night was an over reaction and made the over eating worse. I'm going to put this weekend down to experience and learn from it and move forward.

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