Saturday, 15 September 2007

Early Saturday

Didn't sleep that well really I kept waking up every couple of hours. Things in my life are going along quite nicely at the moment, I'm slowly starting to come out of myself.I'm sure the time I spend with Mohamed is a big part of this and that the time lime therapy is doing me a lot of good although I'm not entirely sure how as yet. I'm going to keep going until there's a natural end I'm sure I'll know when that is. Work is going really well at the moment, I have got to get past my dislike of Q* even though he is really annoying and is constantly trying to under mind me and stab me in the back. T* is also someone that is just plain strange and I'm never quite sure how he's going to react from day to day.
Things that I have succeeded at the is week include.
Buying my new bike
Cycling 10 and then 12 miles on it pretty easily.
4 weeks off the LL diet and only putting on 2 lbs
Making good choices on the food I have eaten this week.
Staying in a good and calm mood.
Socializing last Saturday night with Ray and Kevin's school friends and getting involved with conversations.
Having the confidence to send Jill a photo of myself and not being scared of her reaction.
Being able to say out loud that I'm very proud of myself and my achievements.

1 comment:

Mrs said...

You're doing really well!!!

Just wanted to acknowledge that!

Take care.

Mrs Lxxxxxxxxxx