Wednesday, 5 September 2007

mid week blues maybe?

Not entirely sure what got into me today but I've had a day of picking. I had sausage and chips for lunch then preceded to munch through 6 custard creams and 8 digestives during the afternoon. Tonight I have been to the scuba diving club, it wasn't exactly what I thought it would be but it wasn't to bad. I had 2 burger king burgers (BOGOF) for dinner tonight but didn't eat the buns.
I was thinking of stopping weighing myself everyday and not do it again till next Wednesday when I go back to my LL meeting but I'm not sure I trust myself and I really don't want to get there and find I've put on weight, so maybe I'll wait till next week to do that. Hopefully I got my munchies day out of the way today and things will be easier tomorrow, I'm going to choose not to have any biscuits tomorrow and keep to good choices.

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