Thursday, 26 July 2007


Doesn't always pay to save money, I wish I'd splashed out on the better scales a few weeks ago. My body fat percentage is really good at 17.2% therefore proving my thoughts that I was building muscle and it was that which was keeping my weight up. I will keep weighing myself everyday for the time being but I will be stretching the period towards once a week eventually. After talking to my LLC I'm going to start eating more normally, it's no good saying I'm not on the diet but secretly eating diet food. I have been living on mostly salads and these aren't able to give my body the energy it needs leading to my body wanting more food. The scales have given me the confidence that I can start eating in a more normal manor. The salad at lunchtimes is something I'll be continuing and also the raw vegetables for morning break which I really enjoy and find extremely fulling and sub staining. I'm going to try and cut down on my fruit and see what happens, I'm really hoping that I can continue eating fruit though as I luv fruit for breakfast and also my apples during the day. I have bought yogurt as replacement for an apple and nectarine so that's a start. I will make sugar free jelly this evening so I can have yogurt and jelly for sweet rather than fruit. I'm going to go out for a drink tomorrow night it's about time I went out and started showing off the new slim me. I'll sort out some decent clothes to wear as well and do my ironing.

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